Where to begin with the Skins...

Right now, the Skins may just be one of the worst run franchises in the NFL. And since the problems all start with the top, it may be quite a while before we really see anything positive out of this team.

As long as Cerrato is around as the team head of operations, this team will NEVER even make it to the conference championship game. Snyder needs to wake up to the fact that his buddy is atrocious at his job and has over the last few years essentially ignored the main issues that needed to be addressed. Why the hell has nothing been done about our offensive line? Every guy on it is old, most of them had injuries last season, and we have no depth whatsoever at any of its positions. Yet, nothing is done. What does he expect, for the hand of god to come down and open up holes and protect the QB? Let's not even mention Dinny's (From now on, I will refer to Dan Synder and Vinny Cerrato as one entity) decision to essentially destroy the Redskins cap future by throwing ungodly amounts of money at Haynesworth when it was our offense that really needed help (and our defense has only gotten worse this year..hmmmm)

Oh, and in a draft in which every single scout out there knew that it was an extremely poor draft for WRs, what do the Redskins do but use their two highest draft picks for wide receivers (both of whom are complete NFL flops).

Lets look at what else Dinny has done to this team; both of our RBs are old, no young talent brought in so no depth, Some of the worst coaching hires ever seen (Spurrier!?, Zorn!?), Letting go an excellent defensive coordinator in Greg Williams, the list goes on.

Because of so many boneheaded moves, the team is screwed for years to come and you know what, the fans absolutely deserve better than this. Even through all this crap, the Redskins still have one of the most devoted fan bases in the league who would die for this team. Dinny cannot be allowed to succeed in destroying one of the best things this city has. It is our duty to do all that we can to stop them. I heard rumors that their may be a march on the DC mall by Redskins fans who will be wearing bags over their heads to protest the management. I feel like joining them...

Thank god I can watch Ovie being amazing every week

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