Skins-Bucs: What I Learned from Today's Game

1. Zorn extra-zhorny over win
Did you see him dishing out the man-hugs to every player in maroon, black and yellow after the game? Oh man, it's like he thought they had just won the superbowl. Man, that guy must feel like he has ZERO job security.

2. Carlos Rogers still has brick hands
You gotta catch that ball! It was as if he suddenly thought he was a goalie trying to stop a puck with his chest. Game over if he picks off Josh Johnson in the 4th.

3. Shawn Suisham gets my BEAST award for the week
I nearly crapped myself when Hunter the Punter got injured. I was like, "who the hell then is going to score our one-and-only red-zone TD (see week 1)?" Suisham took care of business though. Not quite as impressive as Ocho Cinco's kicking skills, but still he is clutch and gets my BEAST award for the week.

Footnote: Let today be forever known as the debut of the prestigious Caps-skins BEAST award, a mark of distinction which goes to the beastiest player of the week. And furthermore, let it be known that all bribes are welcome from current players wishing to claim this soon to be (if not already) highly-coveted honor...

4. We still have only like a handful of actual plays on offense
1) Run to the left behind Dock and Samuels, for usually 0-3 yards
2) Any pass to Cooley for infinity yards
3) Campbell run for 10 yards
4) Dink and doink to Betts, maybe 3-5 yards
5) Randle El fake reverse pass to Cooley, usually for -15 yards
6) Hunter Smith fake field goal TD, usually for a TD

Edit: Option 6 is no more due to Hunter's groin thing

I don't think we can consistently rely on 50 yard bombs to Moss. So I'm hoping the sophomore class (Kelly, Thomas, Davis) can pick it up. You-can-doo-it!

Executive Summary: Still not very impressed by the skins, but at least Terry Bradshaw doesn't get to say anymore that all the winless, "virgin" teams can line up and have their first on us...

Hip hip hooray!


  1. Ha, I like the Randle El fake pass to Cooley for -15, but I think you're being a little generous on the Betts 3-5 yards. Also, if you notice from the stats, we ran it like 18 out of the 21 plays we had first half of the game and heres how the first half looked:
    Lost Fumble
    Intercepted Pass
    Intercepted Pass

    Let me sum up: FAIL!

    But yea, at least its a win, thanks for your humor Jefflet.

  2. A great analysis o leeist of lees. I still have very little confidence in this team even if they are at .500. Two narrow wins over the two worst teams in the NFL is hardly something to be proud of. However, I think my BEAST award for this game goes to Chris Cooley. Thank god for Cooley. Can you even imagine how much worse our offense would be without him? Every time we had to make a play, he would be involved if it turned out positive. I ask you, is there a more reliable tight end in football right now?

    My ANTI-BEAST or LEAST award goes to Albert Hanesworth. So far, he is looking to be the most expensive bust in NFL history.
