Weekend Wrap Up: Who are we?

Three losses for DC fans this weekend.  Hey, at least the US beat Honduras!  (Yea, doesn't really make me feel any better either).  Today will be a duel post for both the Skins and the Caps because I think they've both hit a similar problem:  Identity Crisis!

I start with the Caps because this is a team who's identity crisis is probably the most troubling.  They came charging out of the gate, with a 5+ goals a game average over the first three, rocking teams' worlds and filling up the top 5 stats categories like the Caps were the only team in the league.  But now they are in real trouble, 4 losses in a row and they can't seem to find themselves.  Lets explore:

1. Shift Lengths.  OMG, how many times do I have to say this!  Japersrink.com did a great analysis of this issue last year, showing that shift length corresponded with an exponential decrease in goals scored.

2. Discipline!  Whether its taking too many penalties or not scoring power plays, this team has lost its fundamentals and they've lost them badly.  This accounts for more than special teams too.  Discipline also refers to forwards (Ovie/Semin I'm lookin at you) getting back and playing some defense.  It also refers to puck control, which is suffering badly.  But most importantly I'm referring to playing a team game.  The caps are playing like a bunch of individuals who happen to be on the ice at the same time.

3. Consistency.  If you don't know what kind of team you are, you won't be doing anything consistently.  The Caps right now are plagued with the inability to play consistently across games, but more importantly across periods.  They play hot and cold, with a chance of suck.

So, sports fans, who are the Caps?!

This team's identity crisis has been evident for the past 10-15 years.  The skins have gone through so many coaches and QBs in the past decade they make Sybil Dorsett look healthy.  The skins finally decided to "stick with" a QB and a coach for more than one season in hopes that continuity will solve all their issues.  But continuity does not translate into an identity if all the pieces are not working together.  Lets explore:

1. QB.  I'm not sorry, but Jason Campbell sucks.  QBs are supposed to be leaders, like Peyton, Ben or Brady.  These QBs are shot callers, and their teams listen to them.  Campbell is a passive aggressive idiot, who commands little to no respect.  No team fears him, and more importantly, neither does his..

2. Run game.  Why do we run power running plays with a Clinton Portis?!  CP is not a power runner, evidenced by his inability to cross the goal line on 1st and goal at the 1 yard line.  Four tries later and we're hoping for a safety.

3. Consistency/Discipline.  Honestly, any given Sunday this team does almost anything.  Its a circus.  Botched field goals, botched punts/returns, safeties, blocked extra points, botched fair catches, fumbles, interceptions.  Skins games are training videos on what NOT to do in the NFL.  Its disgraceful and its embarrassing, and no $100mil free agents can fix a team without fundamentals, and usually only add another, expensive, personality to the identity crisis.

So, sports fans, who are the Skins?!

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