Season thoughts

I realized today after basking in the glow of the Caps excellent performance in their season opener, that this is the first time in my life when at the beginning of a sports season, I would honestly be CRUSHED if my team doesn't win it all. I mean, every other year, I would never have expected that any of our sports teams could honestly be the champions at the season's end.

And now we have the Caps...they seriously have EVERYTHING in place. The greatest player in the sport, excellent role players built around him, solid depth at goalie, a seemingly improved defense from last year (still have to see more on this though), and they took the champs from last year to seven games. And so, if they don't win the cup, I will be heartbroken.

Yes, heartbroken. These opportunities don't last forever and I want them to win SO BADLY that I almost just want to fast forward through the regular season and start watching the playoffs. It is so damn hard to win the cup, even if you ARE the best team (Just ask the Sharks from the last, like, 3 years straight) and the ONLY thing that matters at all is how you turn it on in the playoffs.

But oh man is there ever hope that this really could be their year, but I swear, if they lose to Pitt again in the playoffs, I will stop functioning for at least a week, i'm dead serious. Ovie DESERVES to win it all more than any other player in history.

On a lighter note, since this blog should be about hockey AND our adored Redskins, check out this excellent article I found that was written the day after Jim Zorn was hired...

1 comment:

  1. HA! The slew of comments over the years to that Zorn article are hilarious. And I agree, if the Caps don't win this year I'll be crushed. I'd feel so bad for Ovie, he deserves a cup more than anyone!
