Why Caps fans hate Pens fans who hate Caps fans (part 1)

Two words: Mario Lemieux. Lately I've heard many Pens fans on blogs say that the reason they hate Caps fans is because Caps fans are "fair weather" fans, who don't cheer for their team properly, if at all, and in many cases just bash other teams and their players, a la "Crosby Sucks!".  Now, assuming this was correct, I would agree. Bashing other players and being fair weather (i.e. Bandwagon) are the two carnal sins of fan-hood. But lets take a quick look at history to see why this is merely an illusion in the Caps/Pens case.

I mentioned Mario Lemieux to demonstrate this one solitary point (history).  The very reason Pens fans hate Caps fans is the also the exact same reason Pens fans hatred of Caps fans is both ironic and hypocritical.  Pens fans are established because they have something to be established about.  Its not like one day the Pens arrived on the NHL scene and from day 1 they had the largest most loyal fanbase in the NHL.  The Pens had to earn it behind the hard work and cancer conquering "most dominate player in history".  Pens have a reason to be proud, they had the privilege of sporting one of the best athletes of all time, with one of the most amazing sports stories ever.  They've won two three cups, set all kinds of records and have forever been a powerhouse in the NHL.

Caps history is not so bright.  The Washington Capitals own 3 of the worst team records (most goals against, fewest wins, fewest points) in history, no other team holds more than 1 of these "worst" distinction.  The Caps have NO cups, and have only made it to the Finals once, where they were SWEPT.  With over 35 years as a team, the Caps have had nothing whatsoever to be happy about and a whole lot to be ashamed of.  They are one of the worst teams in history, across any sport.

And lets not forget the contribution of other sports on fan-hood.  Don't too quickly forget that Pittsburgh also has, arguably, the best football team in the history of the NFL.  More superbowls than any other team, with several back-to-backs in their history.  The Skins only have 3 superbowls, nevermind several back-to-backs and are currently such a laughing stock they make T.O. look like a team player.  You could also throw in the SES, cultural and whatever arguments you want as well, all signs lead to the same conclusion: STFU Pens fans, we get it, you have history to be proud of.

So now that the CAPS have the best player in the sport, let us cheer a little, I think we've suffered enough.

P.S. As a personal defense for my credibility in writing this article I'd like to say a few words about my own history with the Caps.  For those who believe that I am a "new" Caps fan, part of the "Ovie Era" you'll be surprised at how poorly you know me and how much you've assumed about me.  I've been a Caps fan for a long time.  Way back before the Jaromir Jagr days.  I went to several games in high school, which holds a special place in my heart as two of my best friends started their 6-year hs/college relationship with a first date at a Caps game.  One of my best friends growing up was a peewee hockey player, and despite that I could not skate or play, I'd go to his games to hang out and attend Blackhawk games when I lived in Chicago.  Hockey has always been a part of my life, from peewee leagues to professional level fanatic.

P.S.  Lets not forget Crosby's (the "savoir" of hockey... what a laugh) rookie year in Pittsburgh when the Pens had one of the lowest attendance rates of any team that year.  But now that hes "awesome" people are showing up? Fair Weather much!?

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