2010 Playoffs: Responsibility

I titled my Game 1 summary "Responsibility" and I do the same here because this is the defining characteristic that the Capitals lacked this post-season.  I'd like to take a look at what we've learned over the past couple years to see what needs to be done for the Capitals to re-earn the respect of its fans.

  1. Semin needs to be traded.  Now.  2-straight 7-game series in the post-season and Semin has yet to pot a goal in 14 games.  Surprisingly, Semin led the league in SOG this first round, but this only shows me he can't deal with personal adversity.  For $6mil, he needs to go.
  2. Bruce Boudreau needs to do one of two things.  He either needs to be fired, or he needs to lose weight.  I'm not kidding.  Most people won't agree with me, but as a person who used to play varsity sports, leading by example meant everything in coaching and its time for the entire organization to show its serious about winning a Cup, from the top down.  Ted did it by buying the Wizards (and thus the Verizon Center) to make the phonebooth more Caps friendly.  GMGM did it by making smart trades at the deadline.  Time for BB to step up.  How can the man change our PK and PP if he can't even change himself?
  3. Mike Green's leash is pretty much just a collar at this point.  For how much I've defended him during the regular season (similar to Semin) its now 2-straight post seasons where Green has been almost harmful to the Caps.  I also suggested a while ago that trading someone like Mike Green would be the wake-up call the Caps needed to break through in the playoffs.  I'm starting to think that just might be right.

  1. John Carlson needs to be signed.  Now.  He needs a long term contract and he needs to be put in pressure situations to grow.  Hes played wonderfully during this post-season, and hes the type of player this team needs.
  2. Mathieu Perreault needs Brendon Morrison's job.  MP is a young and often streaky center, but he plays with heart.  Miles and miles of heart.  Thats something this team lacks.  He makes everyone around him better.
  3. Varly needs better coaching.  Hes a solid goaltender, but hes got weaknesses.  Fortunately, they can be fixed, but this two-headed monster of a goalie rotation between Theo and Varly only hurts them both.  He needs to get healthy and he needs to play, day in and day out.

This team has all sorts of problems.  Not just statistical problems like the PK and goalie stats but real problems.  Heart problems.  I can tell you there is no one who hates Sidney Crosby more than I, but history is written by the winners and right now the NHL textbook is being edited by Sid.

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