Ovie's First Game Out

This is a tough article to write.  I've got to say that with Ovie out and losing only 3-2 with one of those three being almost an "own goal" fluke off of Mike Green, this really wasn't a horrible game.  And honestly, for many players out there it wasn't all that horrible.  Thoughts:
  1. Very happy to see Flash on the board again.  I would have liked one from Brooksie too but I'll take it.  The secondary scoring needs to increase and even if its only a trickle for now its nice to see some scoring all around.
  2. Discipline!!!  OMG!  I really think we could have won this game, which would have been really great had we stayed out of the box in the third period.  4 Penalties in the 3rd period is NOT acceptable and I really hope BB rips the team a new one for that.  Those penalties alone led to the game winning goal(s).  Without those penalties and that fluke off of Green, Varly had a perfect game.  Unfortunately, that doesn't count for anything.
  3. Semin............  Its rare that I wish a player had just "not shown up".  Semin, who was supposed to be the go-to guy with Ovie out, actually hurt the team.  As many penalties as shots on goal!?  Good god man!  And at horrible times too!  There was a post on Japers' a while ago about making a "bold move" and trading a top ranked player to shake things up for the Caps.  I threw my hat in that we should get rid of Green and got burned hard.  Most people suggested we get rid of Semin, to which I highly opposed, but its games like this (and last years playoffs) that make me see the light.  When the pressure is on Semin seems to cave and while I like his skill, hockey is all about the pressure being on.
Overall I'm actually not upset about this game.  MB is a good goalie so throwing down 2 goals isn't the worst outcome.  But I expected more from Semin, we all did.  Bring on friday!

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